Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Choir in College 1972-73

I didn't actually sing in a college choir, but wish I had the talent and knowledge to have done so. But my exposure to choir and choral music continued. In high school I took what was known as a CLEP test to get out of my General Ed. classes at the University of Utah. Unfortunately, those were some of the best, so I took them anyway, wasting most of a my freshman year. One class I don't regret was Music 101, Music Appreciation. The instructor was Jay Welch. One of the most interesting, if not THE most interesting professors I have ever met. He described classical music and the composers in a way unknown to me before. He was also the founding conductor of Mormon Youth, and conducted the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Needless to say he had the creds to deach me Music 101! I can still picture him at the piano talking about Bach or Beethoven or Lizst, and playing like he had composed it himself. Another great aspect was that my homework was listening to music! We would go over to the Marriot Library, check-out an album and headphones and rock to the masters! Later I would sing in a concert called Music 101!

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